10 Awesome Onboarding Ideas with E-Learning

5 min read
Aug 21, 2024 2:02:33 PM

Onboarding doesn’t have to be a boring checklist. With eLearning, you can turn it into a dynamic and engaging experience. In this blog, we’ll share ten creative eLearning ideas to make your onboarding process smooth and memorable. From goal-setting tools to interactive maps and team introductions, these tips will help you welcome new hires and get them up to speed quickly.

Check out the showcase here and then learn a little more about each idea below!



  1. Goal Setting in eLearning

Set the stage for success from day one by allowing new hires to input their goals directly into the onboarding module. With text entry variables and the certificate feature in Chameleon Creator, learners can define what they aim to achieve over the next 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. These goals can then be automatically populated into a personalised certificate, downloadable as a PDF. This certificate serves as a tangible reminder for the learner, helping them stay on track as they settle into their new role. Watch this design tip to learn how to do this in Chameleon Creator.

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  1. Organise Content with Topic Portals

When your onboarding module is packed with essential information, organisation is key. Use the topic portals interaction to break down content into manageable chunks. This not only improves navigation but also ensures a smoother learning experience. For structured learning, you can sequence the topics, locking each one until the previous has been completed. This approach guides the learner step-by-step, ensuring nothing gets overlooked. Learn how to style your topic portals here.

Onboarding Topic Portals


  1. Highlight Local Coffee Spots

Onboarding isn’t just about policies and procedures; it’s also about making your new hires feel welcome. Use hotspot interactions to create a map of the area around your office, highlighting the best coffee shops. You can even go a step further by offering vouchers to these spots for the new hire's first week. This thoughtful gesture will help them feel at home and part of the team. 

Onboarding Coffee Spots


  1. Centralised Compliance Materials

Avoid overwhelming your new hires with an avalanche of PDFs by consolidating all your onboarding and compliance materials into a single master module. This not only simplifies navigation but also allows your new hire to easily track what they’ve completed and what’s still on their to-do list. You can even create a checklist using the click-to-reveal interaction, enabling new hires to tick off each task as they complete it. A streamlined approach ensures a smoother and more effective onboarding experience. 

Onboarding Compliance


  1. Role-Specific eLearning Resources

Help your new hires hit the ground running by curating resources tailored specifically to their role. For example, if you work in hospitality and a new team member needs to master a point-of-sale system, you could create a guided tour using photos of the interface with hotspots on key buttons. This allows them to familiarise themselves with the system before their first day, boosting their confidence and competence from the start. Learn how to turn your hotspots into a quiz to test their knowledge here.

Onboarding role-specific learning


  1. Virtual Office Tour

Ease your new hire’s transition by offering a virtual tour of the office. Just as you did with the coffee shops, create a map of the office and use hotspots to highlight key areas like conference rooms, break areas, and meeting spaces. You can then create branching scenarios from these hotspots to reinforce important details, such as how to book a conference room. This fun, interactive approach will help your new hire feel more comfortable navigating the workplace. 

Onboarding Office Space


  1. Interactive Team Introductions

Make introductions engaging by turning them into an interactive experience. Upload team photos and use hotspots to link to short videos where each team member introduces themselves, explains their role, and shares how they can assist the new hire. This personalised touch helps new hires feel connected to the team from the start, even before they meet in person. 

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  1. Company History

Bring your company’s story to life with a visually rich, interactive timeline. Use parallax scrolling and endless scroll effects to create an engaging narrative that highlights your company’s mission, values, and key milestones. This approach not only informs but also inspires new hires, helping them understand and align with your company’s culture and vision. Learn how to build a timeline here.

Onboarding Timeline


  1. Embed a Chat Widget for Instant Support

Take support to the next level by embedding a chat widget directly into your onboarding module. Whether it's connected to your CRM’s live chat, an AI chatbot, or a video tool like Video Ask, this feature allows new hires to ask questions in real time. It’s a convenient way to provide instant assistance, whether they’re looking for IT support or HR guidance, enhancing their onboarding experience. Simply download the SCORM file, open the index.html file and paste in the embed code for the widget. 

4. Chatbox


  1. Schedule a Meeting with the CEO

Why not make it easy for new hires to schedule time with leadership? Using the Chameleon embed feature, you can integrate meeting forms directly into the module, allowing them to book a coffee or a quick chat with the CEO. This personal touch not only makes the new hire feel valued but also gives them insight into the company’s leadership and vision. 

Onboarding Meet the CEO


Make your onboarding more impactful with Chameleon

One of the key things holding organisations back from creating a memorable onboarding experience is not having the tech. You need a tool to make delivering onboarding easy and effective!

If you’d like to upgrade your onboarding experience, view our demo, and see how Chameleon makes welcoming, useful onboarding experiences easy to achieve.




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