Case study

Simply Privacy

How Simply Privacy used Chameleon Creator to up-skill their subject matter experts and create a new revenue stream for their services firm.

Simply Privacy

How Simply Privacy leveraged Chameleon Creator to enhance the expertise of their subject matter experts and unlock a new revenue channel for their consultancy.

Simply Privacy is a consulting firm that provides privacy and AI governance services to businesses, government entities, and non-profit organisations. Comprised of seasoned and practical experts, their team is dedicated to assisting clients in achieving their objectives responsibly and in accordance with regulations

About Simply Privacy

Simply Privacy, a consultancy offering privacy solutions across business, government, and NGOs, comprises experienced professionals dedicated to implementing global privacy best practices through risk-based, privacy-by-design strategies.

Visit their website →

Chameleon Creator

Simply Privacy have expanded their product offering with Chameleon Creator. Making interactive and engaging off-the-shelf learning for their clients.

Recognising an opportunity for a new revenue stream.

In 2015, seeing there was a gap in the market for practical advice, Mike Flahive founded Simply Privacy with the aim of truly enabling businesses to manage personal information well. Since their inception, they have provided many services, from privacy health checks to assessments and documentation. As demand for comprehensive staff training on privacy matters grew, they found consistent work as SMEs for organisations looking to create bespoke learning in-house to meet their privacy and responsible AI obligations. Director of Simply Privacy, Emma Pond, states, 'We've done a lot of scriptwriting for organisations to create their own modules, using whatever system they use.” 
In 2023, Simply Privacy saw there was an opportunity to expand their training services beyond traditional scriptwriting for their clients and establish a new revenue stream by developing their own off-the-shelf eLearning. Emma explains “With privacy, one of the main things is getting people to do the training and  making sure employees have the right level of  
knowledge, so they know the right ways to handle personal information. There was definitely a need out there, but it was never very high on people’s priority lists. We thought we could do a better job and provide them with something ready-made, that’s short, interactive and fun to do. We thought we could present it as a separate product for our clients”. 


"Chameleon is so intuitive to use! It looks really good, really straightforward."

Emma Pond

Discovering a learning creation platform anyone can use

In pursuit of this goal, Simply Privacy scoured the internet in search of authoring tools but after many trials, was left overwhelmed by the process. Emma concluded that “None of them really looked that great and some of them seemed overly complicated for what we needed. It had to be easy for us to make it look good because we're ex-lawyers, right? We are not design people. So, it needed to be something that was easy for us to do because we know the content, we know how to present it in a really good way because that's what we've been doing for years. We just wanted something  
that matched our writing skills with graphic skills, without too much training or hard work required on our end.” 
After a helpful tip from a friend in the eLearning space, Emma was turned onto Chameleon Creator and was instantly sold. Emma noted “the ability to produce something interactive that looked good, that was engaging, without having to code or do heaps of training about how to do everything in the product. Chameleon’s so intuitive to use. A lot of products say they're intuitive, but then you start using them and you're like, well, not intuitive to me - but this is pretty good!” 

"The ability to produce something interactive that looked good, that was engaging, without having to code or do heaps of training. Chameleon’s so intuitive to use!"
Emma Pond


"Chameleon had such a big illustration library, which is really cool. Plus, things like the background effects and all the interactions are also so easy to put together."
Emma Pond


Phones 2

Highly interactive, effortless design

One aspect that appealed to Simply Privacy was Chameleon's extensive design capabilities. Emma explains “often with privacy stuff you get lots of people in hoodies, computers and padlocks and all these really boring stock images and that turns people off. But Chameleon had such a big illustration library, which is really cool. Plus, things like the background effects and all the interactions are also so easy to put together. It just creates that variety so you’re able to keep people’s attention, which is usually hard to do with online learning”. 

Emma states it only took them a couple of days to build their first project and noted the next one will be even faster, but it was the customer support that really blew them away. Emma explains, Chameleon “was really helpful in taking us through demos and talking to us about it. It was important to us to get good support because even though it's intuitive and all the rest of it, you still need help. Also how do we monetize it? How do we sell this? It was really helpful getting advice with the business model side of it as well as the technical.” 

Since releasing their first prototype, Simply Privacy has been encouraged by the initial feedback. “We sent it out to a few clients and other privacy people and got them to critique it and give us feedback. Overall, it was really positive. It looks really good, really straightforward. It would work really well in their organisations.” 


Busting privacy myths in collaboration with Chameleon Creator 

Simply Privacy plans to launch their new product line during New Zealand’s 2024 Privacy Week by releasing a special, free privacy module, built in collaboration with Chameleon Creator’s design team.  Privacy Week is an ongoing event spanning the Asia Pacific region, albeit observed on varying weeks. New Zealand’s designated week falls on the 13th to the 17th of May, hosted by the Privacy Commission.

This year's theme revolves around debunking prevalent privacy myths, a focus that aligns with the module we’ve co-created. The module aims to address four common misconceptions, clarifying and dispelling them. By distributing this module to all staff during Privacy Week, organisations can effortlessly engage employees in privacy training and sample Simply Privacy’s expertise.  

Try Chameleon for yourself

If you would like to take the stress out of developing beautiful, engaging eLearning, look no further than Chameleon Creator. With Chameleon, anyone can create stunning eLearning content that inspires change effortlessly. 

View a demo or get in touch to see how Chameleon can help you create more engaging learning today.

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